Car Tints Technical

The products that we use are of extremely high quality from the best manufacturers, and often come with a time limited guarantee. All products come with all or some of the following properties. Our knowledge and combined experience of 25 years will enable us to give you exactly what product or material you need, fit for the purpose, for a competitive price.

1.Heat Reduction

Depending on the type of film chosen, we can reduce the heat build up by up to --%. This enables the air conditioning system in your vehicle to work more efficiently and with less energy required.

2.Reduce Fading

Tinted films can reduce ultra violet light (UV) by 99%. This in conjunction with the heat reduction will help in the prevention of fading of rubber trims and wood, vinyl and interior carpets. It can also prolong the life of the leather seats and the vinyl door cards.

3.Protection from UV rays

The principal cause of skin cancer and premature skin aging are attributed to the suns UV rays. The right film can block 99% of the sun's UV rays protecting ourselves and our families. UV protective film is the only way to guarantee stopping ultra violet light. Roller blinds and other such alternatives do not offer permanent and complete cover from the sunlight we need to protect ourselves from.

4.Reduce Glare And Driver Fatigue

Glare reduction is dependent on the density of the film chosen. All forms of glare when driving are potentially dangerous. Reduced glare from headlights and reflective surfaces the can make the journey considerably safer, highly beneficial if you are a high mileage driver. The installation of a sun strip can be advantageous particularly in the winter months when the sun is much lower in the sky.

5.Increased Safety and Security

Main advantages of using a tinted film is prevention against the ‘opportunist’ intruder. The view into your vehicle will be dramatically reduced, keeping your valuables from being seen. Certain films will give a small amount of protection from the glass being broken by an intrude.


Window tinting provides extra privacy for all of your vehicles contents, and by using the correct film for your needs, we can cover enhancing the viewing of your DVD players with less glare from the sun all the way through to protecting your loved ones and pets from the buildup of direct heat on a summers day. The look provides a sleek and finished product with added peace of mind and protection for all those who travel with you.

Technical Information

All of the installed tints are applied to the inside of the vehicle. We film all of our cars in our auto tint shop which is a controlled environment. We endeavor to install the tint dust free and quality is our aim. We bond them to the glass and we guarantee them from discoloring and delaminating.

All window films have an anti scratch layer built into them. This is for general wear and tear however if you put something sharp against the film it will scratch. Most windows now have what is known as a DOT MATRIX effect around the outside edges and this means the film will sit slightly proud of the glass.

We do not offer a mobile tinting service as the environment we work in must be to our high standards to provide the best quality work.

The Law,

UK Window Tinting Laws

Certain laws apply to the front windows and windscreen when tinting your car. No laws apply to tint fitted on the rear windows and rear windscreen.

The Road Vehicles (Construction & Use) Regulations 1986 specify the minimum levels of light that must pass through the windscreen and front side windows.

The limits are:

Motor Vehicles first used before 1 April 1985:The windscreen and front side windows must allow at least 70% of light to be transmitted through them.

Motor Vehicles first used on or after 1 April 1985:The light transmitted through the windscreen must be at least 75%.The front side windows must allow at least 70% of light to be transmitted through them.